Enable download pbix for files modified via XMLA write operation
Current-state we cannot download a pbix that has been modified via the XMLA endpoint. That means we are then forced to use only the service-based editor from that point forward for any report where we take advantage of this great capability. Please enable the option to download as pbix even if ...
Cache completed entities during incomplete refresh
One of the strengths of PowerQuery is its ability to work across multiple different types of data sources, & transform and combine the data it receives. When dealing with such diverse data sources, we also deal with diverse performance and system availability characteristics. In a moderately com...
Dataflow Power Query editor should honor command timeout value during preview & validation
Current behavior: When editing a dataflow, the power query editor will timeout after 10 minutes regardless of the CommandTimeout duration specified in the query command. Example: Odbc.Query("MyServer", "SELECT MY_SLOW_RUNNING_QUERY", [CommandTimeout=Duration.From(0.02)]) After implementing my s...
PowerPlatform.Dataflows connector - Nav by name instead of GUID toggle
I would like an option to allow us to have the generated power query that results after navigating a dataflow source using the PowerPlatform.Dataflows connector which enables us to specify to navigate by Workspace / Dataflow name (as opposed to the default of GUID)
In our env...
Filter workspace datasets by refresh status
Please create a filter in the service to allow workspace users to filter the list of datasets to only those which are in a failed state.
In workspaces with lots of datasets, it can become more difficult to spot failed refreshes as we scroll through the long list of datasets.
Add Dataflows to Monitoring Hub
The monitoring hub is a welcome addition - however there is one glaring omission. Where are the dataflows? We can only monitor datasets, and datamarts (aren't they still in beta?) but it does not allow one to monitor status of dataflows. This would be a simple addition.
The ab...
Make Odbc.Query() method respect settings for Row Reduction Clause
Currently, row reduction clauses are only used when accessing ODBC sources via the Odbc.Datasource method. Though the dialog displays the option to specific a native query, as well as supported row reduction clause, the native query cannot use row reduction. As a result, ODBC datasources waste...