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Make Odbc.Query() method respect settings for Row Reduction Clause

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Chris Meurer on 02 Jan 2025 18:01:15

Currently, row reduction clauses are only used when accessing ODBC sources via the Odbc.Datasource method. Though the dialog displays the option to specific a native query, as well as supported row reduction clause, the native query cannot use row reduction. As a result, ODBC datasources waste resources, timeouts occur more frequently than necessary, transactions are improperly abandoned, etc.

Current behavior: If I select "LIMIT & OFFSET", though my datasource supports it, LIMIT and OFFSET are not utilized. When re-entering the edit query dialog, the row reduction clause is unset.

Requested behavior: if I select "LIMIT" or "OFFSET", or any combination, those options are passed into the SQL statement sent to the datasource - previews generate faster, and development is simpler. Row reduction settings are retained.

If we can specify supported row reduction we can limit results to default preview window, and improve resource consumption within our busy datacenters, capacities, etc. and reduce impediments to development.

We can also greatly improve the PQ Online experience when interacting with these sources.