Bookmark Navigator - internal button shadow
Regular buttons have the ability to have internal shadows, giving them the illusion of being projected forward. The buttons in the Bookmark Navigator do not have this ability. Please re-instate.
Bookmark Navigator - deselect not immediately apparent
When you apply a deselect functionality and then deselect the button, visually it stays selected until/unless you move your mouse away from it and then back over it. This failure to visually refresh immediately will leave users confused (as it did me as the developer).
Page View - Add custom zoom option
Many times the three available page view options (Fit to page, Fit to width and Actual size) are insufficient. The user should have the ability to select their desired zoom level. This ability should exist in the desktop, mobile and services versions and should be saved from the last session.
Quick Access Toolbar - offer standard customization
Any/all MS Office products should allow the user to customize the Quick Access Toolbar as they need it. To lack this ability is a significant "failure" and has proven to be a cumbersome and time-consuming oversight.
Improvements needed on Community site
Here are a few things that really, REALLY need to be implemented on these sites:
- Desperately needs a way to sort a thread by posting date. I had a thread that was over 30 posts long and to find a particular part of it, I had to scroll up and down and u...