autofilter on tables view
Introduce the ability to interactively explore data in tables without effecting visualizations. PowerPivot accomplishes this in an autofilter-esque column header in which you can interactively sort and filter, right click on any cell and filter column by that cells value. This capability is cruci...
preview measure result in table view
In PowerPivot, when writing a measure, the result of the measure in the context of what is filtered in the table is calculated and displayed. This is the easiest way to check for accuracy, develop complex measures, and confirm results. There is no equivalent in today's version of PowerBI, and to ...
treemap / kpi combo
It would be sweet if I could set up a treemap where each box is a KPI. Even just being able to control label each box would be a step in the right direction, but imagine being able to create directional graphics, or sparkline-esque visuals for EACH box on a treemap.
authentication options for azure analysis services or SSAS
When connecting to Analysis services through powerBI, there are no authentication options, the way you get for most other sources. The user is authenticated automatically, and that is the only flavor of authentication that is supported. I need to be able to use a service account so that the RLS o...