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Fabric platform


Enable Git Integration for ADO Orgs I am a guest user in

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Noah Swanson's profile image

Noah Swanson on 2023-06-16 17:51:03

I am a guest in many ADO Orgs as a guest user on my AAD account (complex org with subsidiaries). I would like to be able to enable Git integraton with PowerBI service to the subsidiary orgs ADO and I do not see them in the dropdowns when configuring GIT Integration.

Administrator on 10/6/2024 5:29:12 AM

We have reviewed this item and added it to our plans. Updates will be provided as soon as they become available.

Comments (3) Merged Idea (2)
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's profile image

on 2024-07-01 13:52:34

Fabric platform

Git integration in a repository hosted on a different tenant than the one hosting the Fab

There are some scenarios when working with different tenants where your Azure DevOps repos are located in a different tenant than where your Fabric capacity resides, making Git integration impossible. There is a need to be able to make Git integrations in multiple tenants.

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Jens Vestergaard's profile image

Jens Vestergaard on 2024-04-26 06:25:05

Fabric platform

Azure DevOps Git repo support B2B

Currently I see no ability to have a Git integration across B2B in a workspaceGiven two tenants, A and B, that should be running the same Notebooks, Semantic Models, Power BI reports etc. and given I have a user that has been granted access (B2B invited guest user in B from A) in tenant...
