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Power BI

Under Review

Export charts directly to excel

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Richard Javier Perez Cubas's profile image

Richard Javier Perez Cubas on 2017-12-19 06:25:17

It would be very useful if Power BI allow to export charts directly to excel without lose the format. Exporting just like values with format.

Administrator on 4/1/2024 5:47:37 AM

We are looking at supporting this once Loop becoems available in Excel

Comments (127) Merged Idea (2)
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Sarva's profile image

Sarva on 2016-02-23 16:09:04

Power BI

Power BI - Export Data to Excel.

Power BI based Tables could be exported. But this export covers only the export of underlying data not the formatting or even column design.

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's profile image

on 2018-02-14 15:30:57

Power BI

Visual Export to Excel

Please upgrade/include the below mentioned feature in "export to excel" option. * Export Table or Matrix or Any Visuals to excel with the same look as it is in the PBI report/dashboard.
