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Vertical column labels in table and matrix

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on 2017-05-03 05:20:56

I have many column headings which are quite long. In Excel I can change the text alignment so the column heading runs vertically rather than horizontally. By using a smaller font it can display a lot more information this way. Now that you have added vertical data labelling to charts can we have similar functionality in the tables and matrices?

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Ajay Sonoo's profile image

Ajay Sonoo on 2020-12-07 19:01:07

Power BI

Vertical column headers in the Matrix and standard tables

It would be useful to be able to change the orientation of column headers from a horizontal to vertical state. This would allow to save on screen estate and minimise the use of the horizontal scroll-bar. Thanks, Ajay

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's profile image

on 2018-12-27 14:36:17

Power BI

How to make table visualisation header text vertically in Power BI

How to make table visualisation header text vertically in power BI

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Jefferson's profile image

Jefferson on 2018-01-16 19:27:54

Power BI

Vertical Column Headers in Matrix

Make possible to rotate the column header so that they appear vertical. It's very usefull for the case that I have a number of columns and the names of each column is a rather long text, hence it makes the matrix's width large even though the actual cells just hold a number. Format-wise, it can b...

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shiva's profile image

shiva on 2016-03-23 21:43:43

Power BI

When i am creating Metrix Visual ...i have dropped Sales in Value field, at the top of the visual there is no option to plot text verticaly

When i am creating Metrix Visual ...i have dropped Sales in Value field, at the top of the visual there is no option to plot text verticaly
