Luca Gualtieri on 2019-02-01 02:44:01
Develop an item formatting property which allows to set the visibility of a report item when you want to conditionally hide the item based on a report parameter or some other expression that you specify (also DAX expressions).
You can develop this incrementally starting from visuals, then text boxes, then shapes and buttons....
If you want to go the extra mile, you can also develop a functionality that allows the final user to toggle the visibility of report items.
For more information and since it was an available and really useful capability see "Add an Expand or Collapse Action to an Item (Report Builder and SSRS)".
I double checked in the ideas database and there are many ideas describing the same functionality; this is the reason why I do believe this is really required and will try to collect all the previous votes under this item.
Administrator on 10/18/2022 12:57:38 AM
Update 10/17: This is now in our upcoming roadmap and we will share more details in the coming months. Mo
- Comments (143)
- Merged Idea (29)
Paulo Pereira on 2020-12-09 16:38:00
Conditionally set the visibility of elements
Add the ability to change the visibility state of the elements in a conditional way.
Jason Cockington on 2021-09-07 04:08:38
Show or Hide a Power BI Visual Based on Selection
There is a need for inbuilt capability to for setting up show/hide rules on visuals, so that certain visuals will only appear in the report once the condition is met. Excelerator BI has an excellent blog...
Power BI User on 2019-12-13 09:29:23
Let measure control visibility of objects
Please allow measure to control visibility of objects. The bookmark is somewhat walkaround solution compared to other BI tools but we need a more systematic/programmatic way to achieve this. The bookmark can complement but shouldn't be a primary/only way.
Piotr D on 2022-01-24 20:52:43
functionality to hide\show items based on a (measure) value
e.g. to hide an empty\blank chart until any value shows up. Just to avoid nasty blank objects...Selection >>> Layer order >>> Hide + conditional based on a measure or column ?
Elliot Knowles on 2022-07-08 12:22:41
Conditional Hide an entire visual
Very simple idea, this option is available in Qlikview so I am surprised it is not available in PBI: Conditional hide. Hide an entire visual based on a formula or value. I know you can change text, values, fonts and background based on conditions, but this is not the same. A ...
Silvia Bacco on 2021-03-11 09:50:42
Hide a slicer based on a condition
The idea is to be able to hide or unhide a slicer based on a specific condition, that might be a value selected from another slicer, or a value selected from another visual, or the value returned from a measure. The reason is that sometimes not al the visuals are needed on a dashboard, and this w...
Paul Schaerer on 2022-09-21 13:29:10
Hide visuals based on Expression
In a similar way to that of the Power BI Report Builder, allowing visuals to be hidden based on an expression/function. This would prevent the need to overlay a card with a blanking/transparency function built in to hide a visual unless a slicer is selected. Using this method does work but pre...
Ronald on 2020-07-08 03:04:43
Graphic Conditional
Hi, It could be possible to hide a graphic from a dashboard if we select one value/text.
on 2018-10-24 11:48:21
Hide/Show selected visuals
Currently we can either hide or show "all" visuals in the selection pane, it would be useful if we could hide or show "selected"
on 2018-12-14 00:52:35
Visual Hide and visual Show based on Selection Slicer
Hide visual and show Visual based on selected Slicer