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Cannot setup Power BI Personal Gateway for Group

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Adam Kruzel on 12 Dec 2016 23:18:51

It appears that I can setup reports in My Workspace to schedule refresh with Power BI Personal Gateway, however when I try to do the same for a group, I get this error:

Activity IDbb436503-6070-d7a8-0a33-eb3966c32329
Request ID8ecb9f93-c30d-0d4e-18ef-57b028b76d61
Correlation ID883d3536-45b9-a3b7-d2e4-379831285773
Status code400
TimeMon Dec 12 2016 10:18:13 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Cluster URI

Can the Power BI Personal Gateway not be used for datasets in groups?

Comments (1)
Adam Kruzel's profile image Profile Picture

Adam Kruzel on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:18

RE: Cannot setup Power BI Personal Gateway for Group

If Power BI Personal Gateway cannot be setup for groups, please point me to any documentation I missed that pointed this out.