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Paid Power BI Desktop pro

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Mimoune Djouallah on 06 Jan 2017 05:26:39

We want a paid non throttled Power BI Desktop Pro edition
With the following features
1- Printing.
2- Official support for analyse in Excel: only in a local Computer.
3-Capability to generate a password protected pbix file, any PowerBI desktop user can open the file, but they can see only the reports not the data model, only a pro user with the correct password can unlock the file, so at least we can use pbix as a way to securely share reports.

That’s all, Microsoft can make it as a subscription product, I think there is a market for that, all those “Power” Excel/Access/Proclarity/Tableau/Qlik users that want a pure and sophisticated self-service solution, and cannot use the cloud nor SSAS server

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Comments (6)
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Bret Carr on 16 Aug 2020 04:01:56

RE: Paid Power BI Desktop pro

Simply being able to lock down the setup (think Protected Sheets in Excel) of the PBIX/PBIT only seems logical. If you can do it with all other Microsoft Applications, why is this one just open to whomever?

I also have some unique code in my Queries that I wrote that has value and I'd rather not have someone lift it out for their own use!

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TaherBouzid on 16 Aug 2020 03:59:55

RE: Paid Power BI Desktop pro


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Brian Spiller on 16 Aug 2020 03:58:02

RE: Paid Power BI Desktop pro

Yes! In part for those cases where an environment still holds us to a 32-bit Office/Excel install. We could still run a 64-bit PBI-Desktop!
(Yes, I hate to admit we are still 32-bit Office for some old Office API's in use.)

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Mimoune Djouallah on 16 Aug 2020 03:55:37

RE: Paid Power BI Desktop pro

'@anonymous , yes but we are talking non cloud solution.

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 03:55:36

RE: Paid Power BI Desktop pro

Isn't this capability available by protecting the pbix files with Azure Rights Management aka Azure RMS?

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Imke Feldmann on 16 Aug 2020 03:55:20

RE: Paid Power BI Desktop pro

Very good idea! The main features I see for an attractive and reasonable paid model are:

1) "Sharing" PBI-desktop-content in a server-like way without the overhead that comes from installing SQL-server on prem

2) Real incremental load

(Yes, 1) could cannibalize SQL-server-sales, but I see also a good chance to make this a smooth transition-path towards a SQL-server-solution later on)