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Navigation in pages

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Karsten Schneidereit's profile image

Karsten Schneidereit on 02 May 2023 17:48:19

The navigation in the single pages is horrible, if you have a lot of sheets.

When I duplicate a page it is placed at the end, fine, but if you have more than 100 pages and have to move it to the beginning ... as I said: horrible.

Please find a solution.

Thank you!

Comments (1)
Karsten Schneidereit's profile image Profile Picture

Johan Vermeire on 10 May 2023 08:20:44

RE: Navigation in pages

Indeed, moving pages can be really cumbersome when you have lots of pages.Similar: when you right-click the page navigation buttons to select a page, Power BI show the page but the navigation doesn't jump to that page. If you want to select then the previous or the next sheet, you still need to search the currently shown page in the navigation.