Tom Smith on 18 Dec 2020 01:06:20
We can trigger a dataset refresh with Power Automate, which is great.
without any feedback to be able to tell whether or not the refresh was successful, failed or most frustratingly of all, queued, it just can't be relied upon.
Please give us something we can use to either send notifications on a successful/unsuccessful refresh, or stop or delay a flow until a refresh has completed.
- Comments (2)
RE: Refresh completion trigger for power automate
I 100% agree with this. There is a trigger on a flow that will let you know when it completes, but even that does not have anything to let you know when it fails. You should have both or something that will trigger either way and provide the status. If it fails, it would be helpful if it provided the error message.
RE: Refresh completion trigger for power automate
Yes! Please add triggers to the Logic App- and Power Automate-Connectors that can be used to start Flows when a Refresh is completed. Also provide information about the status (successful, failed) as well as error messages, if any.
(Alternatives like polling the API for status changes or Flows that are triggered upon recieving an email are simply ridiculous and expensive, surely also on your side, Microsoft)