Power BI Ideas Admin on 25 Oct 2014 05:00:23
Add gauge visuals to show progress toward a target. Some inspirations: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=dashboard%20gauge&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=dashboard%20gauge&sc=8-14&sp=-1&sk=
- Comments (9)
RE: Radial gauges
Created some custom gauges - let me know if they can be added to the Visual Gallery - https://neglectedvisionary.wordpress.com/2015/12/02/power-bi-gauges/
RE: Radial gauges
Not sure how I add the target information to my data sheet. Is there any guidance on how to do this on POWER BI DESKTOP?
RE: Radial gauges
i have a dataset with multiple years( 2013, 2014, 2015) and i want 3 gauges, for each year another targetvalue. Is this possible? I have already used a measure and added it to target, but this measure is static for all years. I want different targetvalues for different years. Please help me.
RE: Radial gauges
I need to create some dashboards depicting KPIs at teama nd executive level ... Are there readily available templates that I can use
RE: Radial gauges
The value breakdown don't display correctly for ranges 0 to 1. i.e. rather than display 0, 0.25, 0.75, 1, it does 0, 0, 1, 1
RE: Radial gauges
A colleague pinned a gauge to a dashboard about a month ago. When I tried to do the same thing today, I got the message that this visualization cannot be added to the dashboard. What happened?
RE: Radial gauges
How does one set the ranges and targets for the gauges? E..g We have a goal of 100M. Current revenue is at 50M. I want the gauge to show red for below 30M, yellow for 31-70M and Green for 71M and up.
RE: Radial gauges
Add the ability to show/hide the Gaude titles. It would also be great if the needle can be added and it looks like a speedometer.
RE: Radial gauges
Another option is to allow whole gauge to be of the current color. This is not the real gauge where dial is the only way to show the value. It is easy to colorize the whole bar to be of requested color to help finding offending KPI faster.