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Table & Matrix: Extra header row to group headers (attributes and measures)

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Niek Verhoef's profile image

Niek Verhoef on 02 Dec 2017 04:04:54

It would be very nice to be able to create groups so that we can create groupheaders in tables.

For example when you want to show per district how many stores and 2 variations of revenue and 2 variations of customers (This period, YTD).
Now you have to create a measure Stores, Revenue current period, Revenue YTD, Customers current period and Customers YTD,

This would create very large column headers, so it would be better to create 2 group names called Revenue and Customers that contain CP and YTD. And as a cherry on the cake the ability to customize the header (background etc ) colors and add lines to create a good seperation.

Keeps on getting better and better!

Comments (1)
Niek Verhoef's profile image Profile Picture

Marcus Sia on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:39

RE: Table & Matrix: Extra header row to group headers (attributes and measures)

Would love this feature