Bill on 18 Dec 2018 22:49:12
I would like to turn the drill through visual header to "always on" instead of it functioning only as a hover over option. This would direct new users to the visual and it's advanced features.
- Comments (13)
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
Header icons should have an option to to always on. This option would help the end user's experience
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
New PowerBi users doesn't know that this option is even available. It is so difficult to inform them all that they have to wait until this panel show up.
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
When using the focus mode the customer doesn't know that this option is available. unless clicking on the visual (e.g. Sankey diagram)
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
Constantly requested by end users! Very frustrating for people who infrequently use Power BI
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
Considering how finicky the mouseover can be on this, I consider it essential, and it should be something that can be set based on each visual, rather than at the report level.
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
This is essential! On my laptop no matter what I do I cannot hover to get certain icons to show. I have to wait until I can hook up to a big monitor. And sometimes it's difficult to get the icons to show up even on that! It's extremely frustrating.
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
Drill down/up at a minum should be available at all times. This is too common of a functionality for users to have to hover to find it.
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
Have had exactly this feedback from my users, they'd like the ability to pin this so its obvious the options exist
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
Need to lock in the visual header to make it easy to automate with uipath RPA
RE: Pin/Lock Visual Header to Always On
Like another user commented, I think the number of votes here is deflated, because it isn't developers that really want this, per se, it's customers.