Jay Killeen on 26 Feb 2016 07:54:28
I'd like to be able to write my queries in my own text editor and then simply import them into Power BI Desktop.
This would work similar to how I can import/export a .bas file in Excel VBA.
This would also include the ability to import a folder so I can work on the entire project and then just import the root directory and all subfolders and files.
- Comments (2)
RE: Import Queries from text files
The text import function for flat data files is ugly with having to enter the position number for each break. This is very cumbersome for text files with numerous columns. Would be much easier if it was similar to the Excel text import where you can just 'draw' lines where you want the data to break and then assign the field data types in the next step (which I realize can be done in Power BI and that part is pretty easy). It is the parsing of the data file which is very clumsy and cumbersome.
RE: Import Queries from text files
This is a critical 'we don't get big data' screw up....Power BI is obsolete without.