T3chNick on 22 May 2017 14:43:50
Today the bubble size is automatically readjusted and does not allow to have bubbles too large or too small.
I would like to have the option to disable this and have the area of my bubble to be always proportional to the 'size' value.
- Comments (39)
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
I share the same frustration. That the relative size of bubbles is very very small. This makes the bubble size feature pretty much useless!I have values between 1-100, most which are below 5, a few larger than 80. The represent size of business. But when mapping out the various sites, all bubbles are displayed as almost the same size, relative each other. Is is very misleading when visualizing the data. Preferably, there should be a setting where the relative size is entirely controlled by the input variable. Is it not a basic requirement??? I have seen this issue reported almost six years ago. Why such a delay?In addition, it would still be good to have some kind of adjustment possibility when the range of minimum to maximum value is very large. Then it would be good to adjust the data so that the relative size is "less" than 100% dependent on the input data.
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
Please fix asap... The bubble size on the map needs to be proportional to the value size
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
Please fix this ASAP !
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
I entirely agree that the current implementation is deficient but i'm not sure that this is perfect either. What is to be proportional? Radius or area (i'd go with area)? Should it be linearly proportional or say give a logistic response? Should the minima and maxima outputs be settable with the proportionality spread between the two?
But seriously, Microsoft, this feature needs work. It's almost 2022.
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
The bubble size not being proportional to the value is misleading, it's really important in our decision making processes to have visualisations that we can trust. Currently we can't trust this visualisation because it gives an incorrect representation of the values we have entered into the model.
Please fix.
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
The bubbles not being proportional makes the 'Size' feature nearly unusable in it's current state. Please fix ASAP.
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
Yes. Please fix this. I have locations with counts from 1 to 700. The location with 700 is clearly larger, but counts between 1 and 20 are indistinguishable.
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
Yes please work on this change! Also when you filter out for example the one object that has the most value, the bubbles are not resized. Would also expect this to happen.
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
If you download the visual called MapBox, that should work.
RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles
This must be fixed ASAP, it makes the bubble map completely useless. Need to allow to scale & chose if size (surface) or diamater or bubble proportional to variable (or square of variable to exacerbate the visual effect). The current feature is completely useless. All dots end up almost similar size in some cases despite significantly different values.