I have many column headings which are quite long. In Excel I can change the text alignment so the column heading runs vertically rather than horizontally. By using a smaller font it can display a lot more information this way. Now that you have added vertical data labelling to charts can we have similar functionality in the tables and matrices?
- Comments (58)
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RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
Tableau makes it very easy to rotate column headings
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
This is a must have
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
Microsoft, this is so obviously needed. It looks like this tread is over 4 years old, is anyone listening? Not having the option to vertically align column headings sets you back to the '80 when report writers had to get creative with their abbreviations.
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
Would be very beneficial!
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
I searched for this on the old questions page and was referred to something dated August 2019, so this ask has been around for some time, presumably before that questioner was pointed at the old ask.
Also, given that there are a number of similar asks, do you ever review and collate to see just how popular a request really is and take that into account when deciding what gets worked on next ?
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
Is there a feature now that allows to do so ?
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
It will usefull to able to change colum hearders names orientation for Mobile views were space is limited.
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
This is a MUST HAVE. A lot of summary tables can have "long headings" with "short data."
This is one of those things that are so essential for polished data presentation I can hardly believe it's still not present (this has been available in Excel since at least 2003, and in a competing BI product it is as simple as right-clicking the header then choosing 'rotate')
PLEASE add this functionality Microsoft!
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
RE: Vertical column labels in table and matrix
Yes this would be a good thing to conserve space.