Paulo Ribeiro on 23 Oct 2020 17:23:59
The text box might have the option to justify. Currently you can only align the right, center, and left. With the option to justify text would look better.
- Comments (5)
RE: Justify text in text box
I think this here is the same request and currently has most votes:
RE: Justify text in text box
Wish this was a feature.
RE: Justify text in text box
What I forgot to highlight was the size of the reports we produce. Currently the reports are produced from a .NET application as a combination of XML/XSLT which present a well formatted word document.We were investigation using paginated reports as a means to decommission the .NET application. The reports we currently produce are anywhere between 30 and 120 pages long with many paragraphs of justified text. The text is quite extensive as it clarifies the financial charts and tabular data. For a user to manual run through reports of this size to add justification to the text would be a considerable amount of work.Fairly we can't be the only organisation who does this.
RE: Justify text in text box
This would be more than useful as all reports we produce require justified text. Would have to be done manually once exported to Word
RE: Justify text in text box
Really surprised this doesn't exist already.