Thijme Droste on 25 Jun 2018 20:32:46
Cards that open another page of your report when clicked on it.
I often want to be able to have a Card with the meassure of revenue on it, but when I cick the Card I want to be able to open another page with (as example) bar charts showing where the revenue is comming from.
- Comments (2)
RE: Clickthrough Cards
I think the key here is to be able to pass the measure that was selected as a "parameter" on the destination page... Also, this needs to support dealing with Field Parameters.... ideally, if a FP table is used for the New Card metrix (with or without small multiples) then the destination page could be given the FP tables but "filtered" to the selected KPI.... That way I can design my destination page generically to work with any selected KPIs...
RE: Clickthrough Cards
Perhaps a better description would be: Ability to assign an ACTION to a card. Ability to treat a card like a button or a button like a card.
We can now do tooltips for a card, but if we have buttons over the top to reference a bookmark - does not work!