Emilia Barberio on 28 Jun 2022 11:51:06
Hello everyone,
when I publish a report from Power BI Desktop to the PBI App you get the information that the report is uploading, but there is no reference on what status the upload is. It would be great to have an indication, especially when some reports take too long, to understand if it is still loading or it freezed somehow.
That´s why a loading bar would be great to visualize the loading process.
- Comments (1)
RE: Loading bar whilst publishing a report
NOTE: the status bar should give a text message to the Microsoft dev team what the current step in the publish process is. A blank status bar is no help to anyone. In addition, the publish process should detect if an internet connection or other network problem is detected. That means, if the publish process takes too long, the program should check for 1) the internet connection in general, 2) a connection to the specific PBI server being published to.