- Comments (4)
RE: Ability to show datetime information based on the user timezone
One thing to consider is to just return the users timezone offset from UTC. This way this can be used in measures like User_Culture_Region = USERCULTURE() or User_E_Mail = USERPRINCIPALNAME()
RE: Ability to show datetime information based on the user timezone
There does indeed need to be some way to display datetimes in the time zone of the user viewing the report. This needs to reflect their time zone and any daylight saving / summer time settings in force. I think this would need to come from the user's OS via the browser, bearing in mind that a user may move from time zone to time zone.
I can think of a number of ways of making this available within the report. Perhaps some custom display format code suffix that could be applied to a measure meaning "display this UTC result in the user's time zone". That would be ideal.
And/or a DAX function to return the offset between the user's current time zone and UTC, if we have to offset manually.
Certainly I would like the NOW() function and the UTCNOW() function to yield different results from each other when run in the Power BI service (as they do in PBI Desktop), which I envisage was intended by whoever designed DAX.
RE: Ability to show datetime information based on the user timezone
You also want this for Azure SQL. Then you can save the dateTime in UTC in the database, and at the report side the user uses there timezone. Solves a lot op time issues..
RE: Ability to show datetime information based on the user timezone
This would be huge for many of my clients. They could save one date (UTC) in the data, then present on the dashboard based on the users PBI service locale setting.