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Convert Power Query transformations into SSIS (ETL) and also SQL Server stored procs

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Walter Lagraba's profile image

Walter Lagraba on 26 Feb 2015 03:07:58

Imagine using the capabilities of SSIS or plain SQL Server and/or to execute Power Query transformations at high speeds. I see Power BI Designer as the transformations editor + small data transformation tool and SSIS/SQL as the big data transformation tool.

Administrator on 13 Apr 2019 02:47:21

Power Query is now available as a source in SSIS:

Comments (3)
Walter Lagraba's profile image Profile Picture

Tien Dung Thoi on 05 Jul 2020 23:01:08

RE: Convert Power Query transformations into SSIS (ETL) and also SQL Server stored procs

Must have, now that a managed SSIS is available on Azure!

Walter Lagraba's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:20:44

RE: Convert Power Query transformations into SSIS (ETL) and also SQL Server stored procs

Explicit data transformation pipeline support in Power BI Desktop would be great. Same flow for data cleanup & mashup as now, but final step would be export to CSV instead of visualization. I know it's possible to export CSV data from visuals, but it's very limited.

Walter Lagraba's profile image Profile Picture

Mark Stacey on 05 Jul 2020 21:59:10

RE: Convert Power Query transformations into SSIS (ETL) and also SQL Server stored procs

There should be an SSIS data flow component that can execute M. That would be the ideal balance