DAX Function for Road Mileage
It would be great if there was a formula to determine the Stem Road Distance between two points. We have used the surface distance (Bird's Eye), but road vectors would be fantastic.
Set up Automatic Reports
We would like to be able to send PDFs of Reports based on a filtered parameter to external users. Rather than maintaining different USERNAME RLS, we would like to be able to distribute a full report to an e-mail address based on a filter to external stakeholders such as customers or suppliers.
show value as
I would like to see the Show Value As Function on the Power BI Service like on the desktop (be able to do % of Grand Total)
Report "In Progress" within Workspace App
As a Workspace App administrator, I would like to see a way to work on a Report within the a Workspace App (Power BI Service) without having it publish. This would help prevent confusion for members of the App who cannot edit the reports. Perhaps an "In Progress status that only administrators ...
Global "Test as User"
We use USERNAME () Row Level Security quite a bit for our different data models. I would like to see the ability to test as user from the Tenant Level as well as data set level, so I can see exactly what that user's screen looks like for Workspaces, Dashboards, and Reports.
show negative values on side for Treemaps & Pie Charts.
Treemaps tend to be the most common visual used for Drill Down Paths, however when looking at a comparison year I either have to combine years to get too much data, or create a measure for current year but then it doesn't show up with the growth. As a financial analyst I would like to see a side...
Customize Fields in focus mode
It would be awesome if we could add multiple fields in focus mode for List View. The View Records button puts together a random conglomeration of detail, but if Focus Mode could act like a tooltip and display more info of a table...this would be very helpful
Stop Refresh Button
It would be great as a Data Analyst, if when publishing a large model to the Power BI Service and realizing that I made a mistake if I could stop the automatic refresh.
Dynamic Color Saturation
As an report user, I would love to be able to change my color & bubble sizes without having to "Edit" a report. For instance, if I had a scatter plot with Sales Orders where the bubble size represented Order Size and the color of the bubble represented profit %, I may have different criteria dep...
Excel List of Measure Definitions
As a Power User of Power BI, I would like to be able to have a way of exporting all definitions of measure in my data model to an excel spreadsheet, so that I can have a quick reference to define these in my documentation.