Add breadcrumb trail
Add a method by which you can see the reports you have navigated through to get where you are now. This enables you to jump back and also gives you a good idea of where you are in complex report heirarchies
Ability to annotate reports
Add a capability so that annotations can be added to reports. So that explanations of numbers can be attached to reports. An example might be looking at a report and seeing one number that is particularly low and adding a note that explains this was because that division was closed/flooded/struck...
Two factor authentication
Enable two factor auth for powerbi login. Added security level when running outside of an integrated AD scenario
Lock down deployment options
In some corporate scenarios it will be critical that data is not published to any PBI instance other than the corporate instance. Is it possible to implement some method of using group Policy to limit the domains a user can publish a PBI report to. So they could only publish to the corpporate PBI...
provide JavaScript API hooks for PowerBI reports (on premise SSRS)
In particular I'm interested in filtering data based on a users position in an organisation hierarchy. So passing in either the userID or organisation unit ID and filtering the data in the dashboard to show appropriate data. HR info like planned leave, resource availability etc. We are building ...
implement simple page navigation for PBIX reports on the SSRS Edition
The cloud service offers a simplified page navigation experience when large numbers of pages are present in a PBIX. this feature does not seem to be present in the SSRS edition. When large numbers of pages are present the cloud service shows Page X of Y and if you right click you get a pop up lis...