Exposure of dataFLOW refreshables in Power BI REST API and Power BI Service Refresh Summary
Provide exposure of Dataflow Refresh meta data. This will extend the end point to all refreshable entities in the PowerBI service. Ref: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-refresh-summary-for-premium-capacity-admins/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/admin/getr...
get gateways as admin - REST API using Service Principal
Currently available:
Gateways - Get Gateway - REST API (Power BI Power BI REST APIs) | Microsoft Docs
Gateways - Get Gat...
Incremental Refresh aligned with Scheduled refresh - Dataflows
Can the Scheduled Refresh (SR) information for a dataflow be exposed/used when setting up an Incremental Refresh (IR)? (exposed/consumed in the IR sidebar)
I guess that would impact the 'Refresh rows from past xx'
Currently if the SR is out of 'alignment' with the IR (diff...
Option to refresh underlying Visual datasource? setting for a Dashboard Tile - Dynamic Tile??
Appears that adding a Tile to a dashboard brings the filtering of the 'visual' with it at time of pining.
When/if the visual has further filtering applied this is not reflected in the pinned tile.
User has to remove dashboard tile and pin the replacement to then get the new visu...
REST API Get Dataset Users
Admin - Datasets GetDatasetUsersAsAdmin - REST API (Power BI Power BI REST APIs) | Microsoft Docs
There is a limit to...