Dashboard Home Page
In my Power BI App, I have a "Main" dashboard, which enables the user to select the topic of reports. When they click on that tile, it will then open the dashboard for that topic, where all relevant reports are listed and accessed via tiles. I want to ensure that users start their route at t...
Hide pages
When creating a report with additional pages that are used to drill through to, it would be really helpful if the end user couldn't access these pages independently (ie only via the drill-through process). Currently, they can see any such page and could go to that page directly which means th...
Adjust Display of Dates in Filters and Slices
Date fields being formatted as dd/mm/yyyy and this displays correctly in the dataset. However, when these fields are pulled into Slicers (particularly "Between", "Before" and "After" - the format of the date changes to mm/dd/yyyy, which is causing users conf...