Slicer Tool Tips
Slicer need ability to specify a text field to use as the tool tips when you are using images for your slicer items.
Calculated field support image url
If the measure / calculated field would support image urls you could do quick and dirty KPI based on a DAX expression Indicator = IF(SUM ( Dashboard[Lead Paid Count]) < 100, "https://redarrow.png", "https://greenarrow.png"))
Chart Background Images
We like the new feature of being able to add a background image to some of the charts. To go a step further, we would like to be able do set the image from a data field using an Image URL
Filter don't auto add new item
Currently the filter, if you set it will automatically include new data items. It would be nice if we could indicate this is a set filter and new items should not be automaticaly included.
Q&A Filters
Q&A Filters - need a way to limit it to the filters applied to the report. We do reporting for several colleges and we can't use this feature.. since it shows data from all the other colleges.
Slicer images
Would be nice to use images only. Ability so set selected, disabled and hover images? Ability to set tool tip. Or have a blank image and overlay the field value. Idea is to have a row of buttons across the top of the page.
show images as values in matrix
First/Last is not Converting to ImageURL We can get images to show in the matrix as rows or columns but when you use it as a value it selects it by First or Last. First/Last are just seeing the column as a text instead of an ImageURL. Note: The image will show in the regular grid.
show on rows
Matrix grid values "Show On Rows". Would like to be able to mix an match showing some values as columns and some values as rows. So in effect we could pivot a portion of the data.