Live Dashboards Hover Information
Live dashboards need labels in the charts and should also provide hover information (which, ideally should be customizable)
Upload same elements
When the same datasource is uploaded (for instance the same excel file) we should have a possibility to substitute what is already uploaded. Currently, a new version is generated.
dynamic periods
In Live Dashboard, and via Q&A, we can Create time dynamic tiles with expressions like this year/month... Reports should have this capability so that we can pin them in the live dashboards with the same dynamism.
Link Report to Dashboard Visualization
Currently, when an analysis is pinned to a dashboard, there is no dependency between them, so, if we change the source analysis in a report, the analysis in the dashboard does not get updated. This might be a good solution in some scenarios, but in others, it is expectable to have synchronization...
Denormalize parent-child relationships automatically
Given that there is no OOB support for parent-child hierarchies, it would be great to havfe an automatic converter from parent-child to a denormalized structure.