Formatting: Match Visual Size
In the newly added formatting section add the ability to select two visuals and have them match size (Length and Width) This way when your building symetry in your visual you can match the dimensions exactly. Or expose the L and W of the visual for editing. Similar to how objects are handled in...
Silcer that toggles
I'd like a slicer that is purely a toggle switch. For example I need to toggle an entire report between sales dollars to Units. This slicer would only allow you to select either sales dollars or Units but not both because adding dollars and units does not make sense.
Edit my own Quick Measure templates
Now with the introduction of quick measures it would be nice to have a place where the community could submit DAX formulas for review to be added into the Quick Measures. [Will Thompson, April 2017: We addressed this bit! You can submit DAX measures for review here: