Change "Date display format" in PBI Service when language is english (from 12/31/2017 to 31/12/2017)
I would like to be able to see dates as 31/12/2017 (or with "-") instead of 12/31/2017 when I have selected english as the language in Power BI Service. i.e. I would like the day to be displayed first . I know I can change the language to danish, and then I will see it as 31/12/2017. But then al...
Be able to clear filter on slicer then the title is off
If we do not have a title on the slicer it is not possible to clear the filter
Language setting: Add setting for date format in Power BI Service (e.g. DD/MM/YYYY)
Many people do prefer english as the language that appear in the interface/Power BI Service. However, it is confusing that the date are shown as MM/DD/YYYY when english is selected. Please add a setting for date format in Power BI Service with in the language setting. (Same setting as the one th...