Axis scale - flexing with filters
What I really want is the option on visuals (especially bubble charts) to: - auto set the axes to the data that exists within the filter context of the page - then be able to filter with the page without the axes flexing. At the moment if the axis is set to auto then it will flex if I filter fo...
Comment notifications mobile app and teams needs sorting
Powerbi is perfect for Mobile use. Comments are perfect for mobile use. But comment notifications are poor. The indicators on the app need to show when there are outstanding comments and disappear once those have been read. And when you click on the app to view the notifications you get a scr...
Visuals with no data
Sometimes when visuals are filtered from other visuals or slicers there is no applicable data and the report looks broken. There needs to be a formatable overlay that states that there is no applicable data to show based on the current user selections and filters that we can turn on. So the us...
Drill Through - Keep SOME filters - add an "Exclude drill-through here" box
So we can add fields that we want to drill through and tick to "Keep all Filters" EXCEPT those filters we put in the "Exclude drill- through here" box.
Field Parameter - personalise visual
If the personalise visual is not available (and it seems not - which is not great if only one of the elements is using a field parameter, might still be good to personalise the other elements) - should the icon to personalise disappear?