'prompts's variables to better work with measures
Prompts or slicer values should be stored in a variables e.g. Start Date and End date variables That can later be used in dynamic reporting and dashboards. I have some complicated metrics that I need to build from FACT tables based on the value the customer entered. How can I do this without var...
Legends in graphs as options - Choose which metrics you want to be displayed
I have 6-7 metrics in one report and I would like the business user to select which metrics to be displayed in the graph Having the metrics as check boxes in the legend will make this much more user friendly and cleaner plus reduce number of visualizations needs on the report
Synch changes between web and desktop
Any changes you makes in desktop should be synched with the same report in web - and vice versa. I have edited my report nicely and extensively in web and now need to make a change in desktop - how will this work?
Choose which metrics to display
I have reports with many metrics display by date - both in tabular and graph form. It is important for the customers to have the option to choose what they want to see - which metric they want to see
Tooltips on filters
Its a very simple functionality - give the option to display tooltip on filter values. e.g. if I have filter with a value "B Docs" - I can hover over it and a tool tip can give a layman details about what this means : Documents with payments" for example
Enable Snowflake as a Datasource for Direct Query in Power BI Report Server
I am not able to Upload a PBIRS report with Direct Query to Snowflake. This is vital as we want to utilize the speed of the DWH to access large datasets. I am using a Aug 2018 version of PBI Desktop. I tested this by creating two reports with access to the same table in two different environme...