"Filters on this Visual" Should update to reflect what is chosen in a slicer
If I have a slicer and this same field is in a visual then the "Filters on this visual" section should update to reflect the slicer selection. For example, I select Category One in my Category slicers. My visual table has category as a field. When I select the table and look at Filters on This Vi...
Use filter selections from visuals built from a summary query to pass as parameters for Direct query
It would be great if you could use a summary query to build some visuals, and have selections made in those visuals become parameters to pass to a directy query for large data sets.
Formatting of Fields added to values
Add the ability to format measures creating by adding a field to the values section. For exampled, if I add ID into values and have it sum, I cannot format the number and instead have to create an actual measure of COUNT(ID) to format it.