Mass Formatting Option
The "Format Painter" is a good tool but that is only useful on one-to-one visuals. Would wish to have a function to do a mass format across all pages for visuals of the same type. Also, would be good if can change the background with just one click and not page by page
Ability to recognize colours as data and display the actual colours
My area of work requires to display data of products of different colors and would be great if Power BI can recognize standard color names and display the actual color itself (i.e. if there are green and red products, the bar chart would show the actual bars in green and red accordingly)
Clearer view of relationships
Firstly when I hover over a relationship, it would be good if the both tables can auto scroll to the related data variables (sometimes tables can be very long). Next, a clearer distinction of active vs inactive relationships by maybe adding color to the relationship lines.