Bug Report, Suggesting a new idea, similar ideas loads and unloads multiple times
When typing the title or "Idea Description", the "Similar ideas in this forum" will seemingly randomly load and unload similar ideas even after typing the full title. This makes it hard to click in the "Idea Description" box and it makes it difficult to type a message as the Similar ideas go i...
Bug Report, No tooltips in the Idea Description rich text entry field
I was submitting a new idea and noticed there are no tooltips in for the text formatting tools on the Idea Description box. I was attempting to add a hyperlink which I presume to be the icon which looks like chains, but clicking this doesn't appear to do anything. Because this text formatting ...
Markdown formatting for Power bi forum
Markdown formatting is exceptionally easy, faster to type (in comparison to hilighting and clicking formatting options), and I personally find it easier to format text to be much more readible in markdown.
For example, I recently created my first post in the forum and noticed eve...