Aggregated total
Hi! Power BI is awesome, first of all! Request - when I use "See Records" feature in the new "Matrix Preview" visual, is it possible to see the aggregated total at the bottom of the report? I currently have all the invoices we paid by vendor in the Matrix Preview, and I dig down to "see records" ...
Map Question - Help Needed
Hi! Question/Request - we have 189 properties in my company located all over US. We have weekly data pull that has 7 metrics, such as Ebidta, Revenue and so on per property with budget to actual comparison. How can I set up any of the map features in PBI, so it will show properties who beat the b...
M Code modification (naming steps)
Query editor suggestion: when we use power query user interface, all steps are named by multiple words with spaces by default, such as "Modified Date", which M code records as #"Modified Date". But if the steps were named without spaces by default, such as ModifiedDate, the M code would be a lot ...
150000 Rows Limit
Would it be possible to remove 150000 rows limit for datasets coming out of Power Bi to Excel? I've built an accounting dashboard that interacts with back-end of Epicor ERP for my company and I am pulling GL records, and most of them are few hundred thousand rows, so 150k limit is really limiting...