Need an option to save PBIP files without data (the .abf files)
We need an option to save the PBIP without saving the ABF file, just like the PBIT file is saved without data.
As it is now, we will violate company security policies that don't allow storing data on C drives (and the C drive is the place to work with Git files).
It's great that th...
winget upgrade --id Microsoft.PowerBI
Please make sure that Power BI desktop always can be updated with winget (package manager)
Today it returns "Installer hash does not match" - no matter if you run the cli as admin or not
regards, Henrik
Search bar: Make it work from DAX query view and from TMDL view
Example: If I enter "transform" in the search bar at the top of Power BI desktop, I expect to see the shortcut to Transform data (Power query)
This works from report-, table- and modelview but NEITHER from DAX query view nor TMDL view
Regards, Henrik