Conditionally format individual words/characters, differently in visual text elements
It would be helpful if we could format individual text characters or specific words among a text element. Today it’s only possible to bulk-format full text elements.This would allow more nuanced formatting for i.e. titles like this example: Sales...
Set the position of a visual element using X, Y coordinates
- Be able to position the element in a specific place according to the X, Y coordinates of the visual canvas.
- Example: Set the title to appear at 3, 3 on all visuals, very close to the border, instead of just "top left"
- Be abl...
Add & format markers in bar and column charts
It should be possible to enable markers on bar charts which are formatted separately from the bars.
Doing the below would allow us to create bullet charts, lollipop charts, dumbbell charts, etc:
- Overlap bars
- Turn on/off bars (independently for each series)
Add and format border/stroke to bars, columns & markers
Be able to turn on/off border & fill, and (conditionally) format object border differently from object fill.
I.e. in Bar charts, it should be possible to create a bar chart where the target has no fill and a border, and the actuals have a fill. This greatly expands the suite ...
Conditionally format bar/column width on bar/column charts (independently for different series)
Be able to set the bar width based on a field or fixed value, so that i.e. Target has a thicker or thinner bar than actuals.
Add/format gridlines between categories for more visual separation
Be able to draw and format a gridline between categories in bar/column charts for more clear visual separation in some cases.
Formatting options for Waterfall Chart
- Rotate horizontal
- Conditionally format bar fill
- Conditionally format bar border
- Be able to re-name 'total'
- Show the walk across measures to the total when no dimension is added (like with other part-of-whole visuals, i.e. pie, doughnut and treemap)
Conditionally format Line in Line Chart
- Line colour
- Line stroke width
- Line area under curve fill & transparency
- Line style (ie dotted, dashed, solid)
Would make it easier to highlight key parts of the visual or series without relying on marker colour or fixed formatting. Right now...
Bullet chart in tables (like sparkline)
Be able to show for each category in a table a small visual view on performance vs. target. Can be done today with SVG visuals but is a difficult and messy solution.
- Actual value
- Target in progress
- Full target
- Left side: Label actual
- Right...