Scheduled refresh for Dynamic data sources.
We would need the feature of scheduled refresh for dynamic data sources enabled so we could have a support of schedule refresh for dynamic data sources in Power BI Service.
Monitor PPU usage
We would like to monitor the usage for our PPU usage as we would want to know the limit of the PPU and we wouldn't hit any limitation with respect to the usage. As we see the monitoring is only for Premium capacity. So if possible we would need to avail this feature in future releases so we co...
UX does not provide an information if guest user does not have permission to edit the fabric content
Guest user has access to a workspace being shared from the other tenant. if the guest user doesn't have the access to the browse and access fabric content in admin portal of other tenant then the guest user wouldn't be able to access the dataset settings and also unable to view the options in ...
We would need to get the page level detail for the App created in Power BI Service.
We checked with the REST API Get ActivityEvents but as we checked we see that the usage details for the App created in Power BI service. The API does not provide the information as per page and provide the details as per page level. As we see that the Usage metric report uses the same feature ...
Need to move the subscription from West US to West US 3.
We had an issue that our tenant was in West US and our Capacity was in West US 3 so we were unable to do a tenant Migration. So we would like to get this feature mentioned in the future so we could avail this feature in future.
Need a feature to automatically close a notebook after running a certain interval of time.
We would request this feature request as to kill the process if the time consumption of the certain notebook goes over certain time set so they long running notebooks and capacity utilization could be avoided in future.
We would need to get the file location to be constant for the One drive pbix being shared in Power BI desktop
When some other users tries to share the pbix report from One drive and when we open the report we see a location path in the page of Power BI desktop. But when we close the report and open it again in the Recent Tab we see a changed temporary location for the One drive report and that is pret...
fabric tables are being stores as Direct query if we connect the lakehouse in Power BI desktop
When we connect multiple lakehouse in Power BI desktop we see the storage mode as Direct Query and if we create a semantic model in Power BI Service directly we are seeing the storage mode as Direct Lake but we are unable to use multiple lakehouses and are only able to use 1. We would like to ...
We would like a feature where we can force the position of the tooltip in Power BI desktop
Whenever we use the tooltip feature in Power BI desktop and when we hover over the visual sometimes the tooltip shows up over right side and that blocks us to view the other visuals. So if we could get a feature that would force us to fix the position of the tooltip so we would not face the is...
Report of Active Users Utilizing the Power BI license
We would like a report that would provide us the details of the users that are using Power BI license so we could understand the remove the license from the under utilized licenses and provide to other users.
Thank you.