Document maps
It would be better to provide a common area(e.g. at left of page ) that can be shared by all the pages in a report. Here we can have document map or report level filters or headers for all pages etc. Also problem like common report slicer can be resolved by this.
Bug in Table/View Sorting
When I try to sort a Table(right click on a column) in Table/View in power BI Desktop it is showing A-Z as descending and Z-A as ascending. Its wrong and you should correct it. Ascending is A-Z Descending is Z-A
Wrong Ascending Descending in PBI Desktop TableView
While sorting data in PBI Desktop its showing Ascending as Z-A and Descending as A-Z
This site requires only Email to sign in (security issue)
I am able to sign in to this site with any other email( of any person). This is totally wrong. Although Power BI Online requires SSO validation but here just an email is enough to sign in. What if any person post something on behalf of some other person?
Unexpected Error and crash
This is an issue I am facing in both 64 and 32 bit versions. I have used latest versions till July and each one is throwing this error. Events are : Saving, changing columns in graph or slicer, refreshing data etc.
Azure upload of report
Uploading a report to Azure is really painful task. There is no direct upload button and we have to use their .net application to upload the report file. Cant this be automated?
power bi not loading visuals in web
Power BI dashboard not loading some visuals after publishing. It does not show any error and not all the times it is hidden but I am not sure why its not loading some visuals many times
Copy formatting from one report to another
Please provide functionality of copying and pasting formatting from one report to another similar to other office application like "Word" Currently it is limited to one report only