Hotkeys in Power BI
Enable and improve the hotkeys in Power BI. This would enable a much better user experience and accessibility. For example, [Control] + [Page Up] should send you to the next page. Another helpful Excel hotkey is to move charts pixel by pixel with the arrow keys. Finally the current Power BI h...
Microsoft-published custom visuals as default
Include all Microsoft-published Custom Visuals as part of Power BI desktop and Power BI service. This change will allow users to more easily select different types of visualizations for their reports. This change would also remove some of the poor user experience of seeing the nagging warning "...
Add Datestamp to ellipsis in Reports
In Power BI service, the "Datasets" has helpful information if you click the ellipsis next to the dataset: last refresh datestamp (and next scheduled refresh). This helps differentiate datasets. A common use case might be to have a "Dev" and a "Prod" dataset... This is a really helpful feature ...
Hit ESCAPE to halt calculations
An extremely useful feature in Excel's Pivot Tables the ability to abort a calculation before it's completed by pressing the ESCAPE key. This feature is useful when I accidentally drop a field into the wrong area. Having this feature in Power BI would save me tons of time staring at the sardon...