RLS always applied
I have datasets where I want RLS applied to everyone, no matter how it is used, shared, etc. Would it be possible to set an RLS rule as "always on", "applies to everyone"?
Visibility of eraser icon on slicer
Currently the eraser icon on a slicer appears for the mouseover event. I think the eraser icon should appear when there are items selected within the slicer. There is no point in displaying the eraser icon if nothing is selected. And the icon would be an easily visible cue that something in th...
I would like to be able to use "Submit an Idea" for my own work spaces.
I would like my Power BI application users to be able to submit ideas and vote up/down ideas specific to my published applications.
Since Microsoft already has this built, if I could have a link in my reporting application that allowed my users to submit an idea specific to my a...
For a Power BI app embedded in a Teams Team, automatically allow app access to the Team members.
I have developed Power BI apps with the intent for them to be embedded in a Teams Team. If the Team members were automatically allowed access to the embedded PBI app, that would enable the Team admin to control access to the app, rather than me, the Workspace admin.
in a matrix report, text for subtotal can be changed in displayed report but when exported to Excel still shows original text "Total"
In a matrix report, I changed the text for the subtotal line and changed to appear at the bottom of each section. The changes are applied to the report in the service but are NOT applied to the Excel export.