Alert when key influencer in a subset of data changes
It would be hugely impactful if you could analytically figure out and be 'alerts'ed when a KPI is influenced by a large change in a portion of underlying data. Imagine a Average Customer Satisfaction score that is the holistic KPI, but you want to be 'alerts'ed if a specific subset of that (ie fr...
Allow users to share their personal bookmarks in PBI Service
Allow users to share their bookmarks with others, not just those created by the designer in the desktop file. this allows users to easily get to the same information and have a shared view and understanding, for scorecarding etc. Would also be great if there was a method to share these to the Rep...
Automated Data Dictionary
There needs to be a more intuitive way for report creators to automate the creation of data dictionaries they can include in a report. For example they should be able to pick & choose key metrics and columns that will appear in a data dictionary visual, that shows the DAX for the measure as well ...
Bin into quartiles and deciles
Allow the ability to bin numeric columns into there quartiles (eg interquartile ranges) and decile buckets automatically
Enable Use of Decomposition Tree when using AAS
Its a known limitation you cant use decomposition tree when using AAS, however this is a very useful visual we are no longer able to use after migrating to AAS