Combined Split and Unpivot
Where an existing field contains multiple delimited values (e.g SIP, TLS, X.509) create an unpivoted record for each individual entry.
Associate queries to files using wildcards
The folders function is great, but I want to have an association between filenames and queries using wildcards. For example, a folder has .log files from four different systems, each with a different format and transform. For Query A, use files based on the select Syslog*.txt, for Query B, sele...
split on duplicated text
Look for repeated text, and allow split. For example, INTEL INTEL, allow [same]#(tab)[same] other examples: Microsoft Microsoft Internet Explorer, Dell Dell Display Manager
Ability to 'pull' attributes from file system
When dealing with log files (or any other file group selected through the folders function), the ability to 'pull' attributes from each file and use them in columns (e.g. fill down on file creation date so that merged files have information about when they were created if not in the individual fi...
HDFS local accounts
Permit use of local accounts for HDFS data sources. For security purposes we have clusters that are not AD integrated.
Model size
Show Model Size - considering the limits on upload to the cloud, there is no good way to know how big the model is until it fails.