Provide a trigger for the Power Platform Power BI connector for dataset refresh completed
When using Power Automate to schedule dataset refreshes that cannot be handled with the current refresh scheduling capabilities in the service, if the dataset refresh triggered via API fails the service does not send the error notification. But without a trigger to check the status, there is n...
Provide dataflow refresh details
When a dataflow runs long or has an error, you have to manually go to the dataflow settings, refresh history and download the CSV for more information. For appropriate refresh monitoring and trending, can we have a method that will retrieve the details of this CSV using the refresh requestId.<...
Governance for Preview Features in the Service
With the new enhanced app upgrade, users with a Member or Admin workspace role (or Contributors if allowed to update the app) were presented with the option to upgrade the app starting yesterday. Unfortunately, some users did this without understanding what it actually was. This has created s...