BUG: Real-time data not refreshing
When using real-time datasets from Azure Stream Analytics reports are not updated in real-time. Dashboards are updated in real-time, but not reports.
Choose if a click should visually Filter or Compare other report items
Today, when clicking on a chart item (e.g. a bar in a bar chart), that makes all other charts (in most cases) present a comparison between the clicked item as filter and the unfiltered chart. Sometimes the wanted behaviour is to present all other charts with the data filtered directly, not as a c...
Convert clicked filter to report filter
It would be nice to be able to "convert" a chart item click (e.g. a click on a bar in a bar chart, generating filterings/comparisons on the other charts on the page) to a report page filter. If that functionality existed it would be much easier to make a top-down analysis, keeping the clicked fil...
Page level filter default values by formulas/scripting
Make it possible to add default values ti page level filters that is based on formulas or some sort of scripting. This would for example make it possible create default selections based on current date, user preferences, etc.