Allow 'Get Insights' on embedded version of Power BI
I like the idea of 'get insights', however I don't think there is a way to do this feature on the embedded version. We have created an online portal for our clients that uses the embedded version of Power BI. There is currently no way for our clients to 'get insights'. If anyone has a workaround...
Create a custom visual that 'gets insights'
I like the idea of 'get insights', however I don't think there is a way to do this feature on the embedded version. We have created an online portal for our clients that uses the embedded version of Power BI. There is currently no way for our clients to 'get insights'. If anyone has a workaround...
Why cant we use multiple visual filters??
I want to be able to click multiple bar graphs and for the filter to remain ON for each graph as i click on the next one. eg click state = NY (State filter remains on for NY) click car = Red (Car filter remains on for RED) Therefore we will see RED cars in NY! at the moment we can ...