Data profiling tool should detect structure of the data
Data profiling tool should be able to detect structure of the data and data type (ex. data contains decimal points) and should be show its details on the data profiling so that it's easier for the users to make adjustments according to its information.
To add a feature to remove blank values when using slicer for Hierarchy fields
There should be a feature where you can remove the blank value for slicer when using Hierarchy fields
when the col name changes it should be automatically applied to already created pbix report files
When the col name changes, it should be automatically applied to already created pbix report file instead of having to manually make those changes to the reprots.
Logicapp in Azure should contain activity of "Power BI dataset refresh is completed"
Logicapp in Azure should contain activity of "Power BI dataset refresh is completed" so that it can be used in senario where user can send a notification email whenever the dataset gets refreshed.
Approximate number to how many csv/excel files in Sharepoint folder that can be imported from Power BI
There should be an approximate number to how many csv/excel files in Sharepoint folder that can be imported from Power BI without affecting its refresh and performance.
When importing data, there should be a feature that can reduce or filter data columns before importing them all
There is a feature to transform data in PowerQuery when importing data, but that feature can be used after importing all the data columns.
If there is a feature where you can reduce data or filter data columns before importing all the data columns by having common data column...
In matrix, 1 row should be able to be created into 2 rows
In matrix, 1 row should be able to be created into 2 rows so that it's more flexible to visualize
Power BI reports added in Power BI App should be automatically refreshed
There should be a feature where the Power BI reports added in Power BI App are automatically refreshed
There should be a connector for GoogleDrive
Two date parameters should be able to used in one single slicer
If there are StartTime and EndTime parameters, MIN value on the single slicer should be able to set as "StartTime" and the MAX value as "EndTime."