I would like to be able to UNION a variable number of tables, including table variables that might be created as part of a measure or calculated table definition Example: I want to capture all dates that are covered by a list of events Table1: Event Start End A 10/2/2021 10/...
Central proxy management for all gateway cluster members
Whenever our company's proxy settings change we have to make these change in four different places - on each gateway cluster member ! this get old quickly with dozens of gateway cluster members. It would be nice if this could be controlled from the Gateway Admin center page.
Ability to create gateway connections through API with skipping of connection test
I need to be able to programmatically create gateway connections without having to specify credentials. In the UI I can do that by clicking "Skip connection test". I need to have the same capability in the API.
Ability to add gateway connection users as owners through API
Gateway connection users can now be promoted to connection owners. That is only possible in the UI. I need to be able to do that through the API.
Ability to report on gateway connection user role through API
I need to be able to list the roles of gateway connection users. standard user, owner, etc.
Ability to push gateway cluster member SystemCounter data into streaming dataset
SystemCounter information is collected every five minutes and stored in local files on the gateway cluster members. These files can be large which makes reading them at the same frequency just to get the latest entries very costly. For near real time gateway performance monitoring it would be ...